El futuro de la Cosmología


  • Alejandro González-Sánchez Author


The study of the Universe as a whole faces great challenges to give explanation to, for example the existence of dark matter and energy. Those components represent the 97% of the total mass. Some other fundamental questions wait to be answered such as the final fate of the Universe, if this will keep expanding forever or if it will collapse some time? what is the origin of the big voids and if they are empty or galaxies, or if they are dominated by a huge amount of dwarf galaxies hard to detect as they have low surface brightness? We discuss on recent important discoveries such as the Higgs boson, gravitational waves detection, evidences of the collision of black holes, their evaporation, the possibility to measure the Hawking radiation, evidences of the variation of the light speed, the details of the cosmic structure formation supported by the most important numerical simulations. All this places us, as a thinking race, in a position to widely discuss new challenges in physics and technology.





